I’ve been doing a lot of coloured pencil drawings lately, to create the Arthropoda Tarot deck, and I still have 40 more drawings to do. In this video, I’m starting the drawing for the 9 of Wands, and Ant dragging a pine needle up a hill.
I had planned to finish this deck in February, and I hope I will. But it all hangs on my pain and energy levels. Whether it’s finished in February or not, I will still have it ready for delivery in April, as I’ve said on the IndieGoGo page.
Speaking of that, I’d be very grateful if you’d support me on IndieGoGo, or even become a Patron on Patreon. It only takes a couple of bucks from you (although you can choose to contribute a larger amount) but it makes a world of difference to me.
I have gifts for both the IndieGoGo contributors and Patrons. Plus, if you’re a Patron you get 10 % off my art, products, and programs.
If you can’t contribute with money, you can still help out. Share the pictures and posts, talk about what you like about the deck (or my art), and refer your friends my way.
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