I’ve been pretending to be a Domestic Goddess today.
By 11 AM, I had mowed the entire lawn on my own, and done the dishes. After that, I’ve been washing three loads of clothes, and de-cluttering. Somewhere in between, I managed to shower and go with hubs for a driving lesson. But Domestic I’m not.
I had to mow the lawn this time because hubs has an injury. The dishes should have been done several days ago, and I finally got around to it this morning. I have to wash clothes on Saturdays, or it won’t get done. De-cluttering is still very much needed here. And I won’t even tell you how long it’s been since I last washed or vacuumed the floors. The same goes for how long it’s been since I washed the windows, and how bad I am at weeding the flower beds.
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Kourtney on 27.08.2011 at 20:18
I’m right there with you on all of the above! I always have a stack of dishes in the sink, my husband usually does the laundry since I never think far enough head to do it, the pretty flower beds from earlier this spring are now overrun with weeds, and my floors are in need of some major attention! I’m a master at procrastination and can always find something ‘better’ to do!
Velody on 02.10.2011 at 04:40
I try really hard to not procrastinate too much on the day to day stuff. Our dishes or normally done every day typically in the morning, as is decluttering in most areas. We definitely have some problem points we ignore for ages. I just wish there were 3 of me at times and I can’t wait until the kids can start doing real chores. Yeah for child labor!!
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Kourtney on 27.08.2011 at 20:18
I’m right there with you on all of the above! I always have a stack of dishes in the sink, my husband usually does the laundry since I never think far enough head to do it, the pretty flower beds from earlier this spring are now overrun with weeds, and my floors are in need of some major attention! I’m a master at procrastination and can always find something ‘better’ to do!
Velody on 02.10.2011 at 04:40
I try really hard to not procrastinate too much on the day to day stuff. Our dishes or normally done every day typically in the morning, as is decluttering in most areas. We definitely have some problem points we ignore for ages. I just wish there were 3 of me at times and I can’t wait until the kids can start doing real chores. Yeah for child labor!!
I’m right there with you on all of the above! I always have a stack of dishes in the sink, my husband usually does the laundry since I never think far enough head to do it, the pretty flower beds from earlier this spring are now overrun with weeds, and my floors are in need of some major attention! I’m a master at procrastination and can always find something ‘better’ to do!
I’m a master at master at procrastination as well 🙂 I’m not getting any help though. My husband doesn’t work that way. He usually mows the lawn or clears snow, and takes care of the car. That’s it.
I try really hard to not procrastinate too much on the day to day stuff. Our dishes or normally done every day typically in the morning, as is decluttering in most areas. We definitely have some problem points we ignore for ages. I just wish there were 3 of me at times and I can’t wait until the kids can start doing real chores. Yeah for child labor!!
I wish I had a slave robot. If there were three of me, the other two wouldn’t want to do it either 🙂 I only have one child, and she’s turning 4 in a couple of weeks. She seems to enjoy de-cluttering as much as I do, but she shows an interest in helping to clean. I hope she continues to do so as she gets older. After I went on 40 % sick-leave, keeping up has become a tiny bit easier. So it’s a matter of energy levels, as much as my dislike of the tasks. The dishes get done as soon as the dishwasher’s full. So not every day. What really seems to be procrastinated are the heavier chores. Vacuuming and washing floors, washing windows, hand washing carpets etc. Mostly because I don’t like to do that, but also because I know my back will be out for a couple of days after I’ve done it.