Yes, pun intended 🙂 I took Bonzo for a long hike this morning, and we walked 5 km in about an hour. I had almost forgotten how much better I feel after taking a walk in Nature, especially in weather like we’re having today. Lots of sunshine and mild temperatures. It was beautiful and relaxing.

I haven’t been able to do these walks for several months, because of ice and later mud making the walk too hard on my knees. But now I can, and I will.

Do you take walks in Nature? If so, how do they make you feel?

I love taking pictures on my hikes, recording the changing of the seasons, and all the beauty of this valley. It’s one of the many ways I have of self-expression. Here are some of the photos I took today:

If you liked this, please share it

I’d love to show you the rest of the photos, but I can’t find the cable for the camera 😀


  1. Lyn

    It’s beautiful where you live, Linda. Getting out in nature always makes me feel better, especially if I’m by the sea.

    • Linda Ursin

      Yes, it is, and it’s beautiful where you live too 🙂 I enjoy seeing the photos you post from your area

  2. Amy Putkonen

    I love walks in nature. Those are some of my favorite things. If the rain ever stops in MN, I will do that!

    • Linda Ursin

      Me too 🙂 It’s been raining here as well. So I hope we get some drier weather soon. If nothing else, so we can mow the lawn. It’s growing like mad.


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