The beginning of the year is the perfect time to clean out what doesn’t serve you.  Whether it’s emotional or physical. Decide what you do want in your life and business, and get rid of the things that make you feel bad or that you feel over and done with. This might be things that:

  • make you less confident
  • make you sad
  • are annoying
  • drain you
  • feel boring
  • don’t fit your style
  • don’t fit your personality
  • have lost their meaning to you
  • don’t fit into what you want for the future

It might be people that are putting you down, or it might be the colour of your living room. It may be a job you hate or someone that doesn't feel good to be around. It might be products or services that don't fit your future business. Some things do take longer while others can be done right away.

There's really no good excuse to hold on. Let yourself be free of it, so you can move on.

You don't have to throw it in the bin, burn it, or remove it from your life completely. Objects can be altered, donated or recycled, contact with people can be limited. Personally, I've gotten rid of plants that were too high maintenance, and I've donated a load of things to a local flea market this week. Earlier I've donated a bunch of clothes, shed websites and roles that didn't fit me, and many other things.

If you find this difficult and need to talk it out, book a virtual cup of tea with me.

Book Yours Now


  1. Lorelle Mac

    Beginning of the year is definitely a great time to assess all areas of your life and once you start its then easier to continue and work through each area

  2. Bren

    We recently cleaned out one of our spare bedrooms and tossed a lot of stuff. I wish it was as it to ditch people as it was that. 🙂

  3. Suzie Cheel

    Linda, this is so timely I am making a plan to release the stuff that no longer brings me joy I like your list thanks

  4. Clara

    I cleaned out the basement and…it was great, much more space to be used as creative lab!

    • Linda Ursin

      A creative lab sounds like a lot more fun than a cluttered basement 🙂

  5. Carol

    I love the idea of this. Sometime we just continue to do what we always do and expect things to change. 2014 is the year to make small changes for a better life.

    • Linda Ursin

      Yes. I’m hoping 2014 will be fantastic 🙂

  6. Delia @ Blog Formatting

    Awesome tips, Linda! I’m also looking forward to a fantastic 2014 as well, while making plans to get rid of things that do not serve me 🙂

  7. Remy

    Linda believe it or not, I started this year with lots of sad news, and lots of emotional moments in my life. So I decide it to start doing a changes in my house, this maybe because I need to keep my mind busy as well. On the other hand, I cleaned my Facebook page LOL I had lots of energy vampires, that with their status, where consuming my energies too! Great post.

    • Linda Ursin

      I have a friend who also had a really bad start to the year. I hope the rest will be a lot better 🙂

  8. Lisa Mallis

    When I read, “get rid of the things that make you feel bad or that you feel over and done with” I actually started to think of activities that no longer fit. Maybe volunteer work, projects that no longer fit the “you” you have become, relationships that don’t give you joy! The beginning of the year is a great time to evaluate your calendar – and your physical space! Thanks for the great post!

  9. Margaret

    I find myself purging often. You are right it helps when we know things can be repurposed. Then there are the things in life that are not so easy to purge that need to be…objects are a lot easier. Attitudes, personalities and things that drain you take a bit more work. I feel so much better that I have worked so hard and conquering the negativity, the people and things that bring it into my life.

    • Linda Ursin

      Sounds like you’ve developed a good habit 🙂

  10. Keri Kight

    Yes! Let go of what no longer serves you. Whether that may be a person, a career, ideas etc. There are so many things in our lives that can hold us back from becoming who we’re meant to be.

    • Linda Ursin

      Yes 🙂 It can keep you stuck for years


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