In today’s art challenge, we’ll be making a lot of dots and connecting them to make a picture. Not in the normal ‘connect the dots‘ way, where you have numbered dots on a paper but making a bunch of dots yourself and then connecting them to create whatever you see.

This version of ‘connect the dots’ was fun to do but I couldn’t spend as much time on it as I wanted because my shoulder protested about drawing between the legs of a tripod 🙂

A little sidenote: Since it isn’t May anymore, I’ve decided to go down to three posts a week and see if that works out. Posting daily was too much. If there’s anything, in particular, you’d like to see on the blog, let me know in the comments.

Have you tried this method of ‘connect the dots’?

If you haven’t, would you?

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  1. Sibylle

    Posting daily is a huge commitment! Well done for sticking it out, but altogether it’s probably better to let off a little. As Marie Forleo said, rather post once or twice a month and have it be outstanding quality, than forcing yourself to come up with something, anything, every day, haha!

    I do love the connect the dots challenge 🙂

    • Linda Ursin

      I once did it daily for a month on 3 blogs 🙂 Not doing that again 😀 I’m going back to 3 times a week because once a week didn’t let me write about all the different things I’d like to write about 🙂 Thank you


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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
Connect the Dots to Create a Picture
Linda Ursin
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