How to stay creative

How to stay creative

Some of the October Creativity Challenge participants have asked me how they can stay creative after the challenge. So I created this video to give you some tips on that.   First of all, set aside some time for yourself to be creative. We all need me-time, and us...
Last minute Halloween costume ideas

Last minute Halloween costume ideas

I don’t get dressed up for Halloween myself, I can do that any day of the year, but I know you probably do, so I wanted to give you some last minute Halloween costume ideas for time-pressed ladies. Below those, you’ll find a Halloween gift from me to you....
Balancing your projects gives you more creative fuel

Balancing your projects gives you more creative fuel

A client asked me how she could inject more creativity into her life, so she could feel more energetic. This was a Creative Support Session, so I started by pulling a Tarot card. The card I pulled is very clearly about balance, to prioritize what you do. My client...
Creativity makes you more satisfied

Creativity makes you more satisfied

You’ve probably heard me say this before, but creativity is fun, fulfilling, enjoyable, and satisfying. If you’re a creative person, who isn’t creating, you’ll feel something missing. It feels like a hole in your soul. Fill that hole by being...
I can’t because…don’t let excuses stop you

I can’t because…don’t let excuses stop you

Don’t let your excuses stop you from being creative. I’ve seen too many people do that. One of my clients recently came up with a number of reasons why she couldn’t do the installation she wanted to do, and by the end of the session, she had already...
Creativity improves your productivity

Creativity improves your productivity

I know it’s true that creativity improves your productivity. If it wasn’t for my creativity, I wouldn’t get much done at all. The last week I’ve been very busy setting up the pagan shop, and doing the creativity challenge. This week will be...

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