Childish fun with photography

Childish fun with photography

I’m having fun with photography but let me start by saying that it’s not actually childish, but it may give you the feeling a child has when playing. Playing around with images is fun, it’s creative, and you can go a long way, even if it’s just...
Be creative while walking the dog

Be creative while walking the dog

This is no inspirational meme, not even close. But I hope it will inspire you to be creative. Today we went for a walk up to the waterworks with Bonzo. It’s about 1/4 up the mountain we live on, maybe 500 meters above sea level. We live on 300 meters. The walk...
Winter’s Back

Winter’s Back

Winter has returned. It’s -15 C/4.9 F here today. The cold is about a month late, since most of December and the beginning of January was warm. Almost all the snow disappeared, and everything was icy. I’m glad we got a little bit of snow before the cold...
Shooting in front of the sun by Lyn Thurman

Shooting in front of the sun by Lyn Thurman

Lyn Thurman is a friend of mine, a fellow Pagan and coach, and a fabulous photographer. You really need to check out her pictures, they’re amazing. I asked her to write a guest post for me, she agreed and here it is. I picked up my first camera when I was...
A Day at the Museums

A Day at the Museums

Lilith and I went to two museums today; the University Museum, and the Art Museum. She had a blast, and we took a bunch of pictures. When I told her I’d make them into a video, she said she wanted her own to be there too, so it would be a fun video....
Spring Garden Pictures

Spring Garden Pictures

I thought I’d share some garden pictures today. My herb bed and the flower beds are a sorry sight right now, but they’ll look a lot better this summer. The stone bed by the garage is getting dug up and re-planted, and I’m adding some annuals to the...

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