Painting 3 Unicorns in watercolor to test

Painting 3 Unicorns in watercolor to test

To test what works best for me (and what looks best), I’m making three different versions of a unicorn painting in watercolor. I want to see what looks best, of course, but more important, what feels best to create. What’s more fun and feels more like...
Watercolor and Ink – Disaster or Not?

Watercolor and Ink – Disaster or Not?

Do you experiment often? How do you experiment? If you don’t at all, why and what would you like to do? Leave me a comment below You can find more in this playlist You can also find my art...
Simplified Watercolour Landscape

Simplified Watercolour Landscape

This video shows me trying to simplify a mountain landscape by painting only the shadows. Well, for the most part 😀 I added some details and mid-tones as well. Just couldn’t help myself. Or click here to watch on youtube What do you think of this? Do you prefer...
My Crazy Summer

My Crazy Summer

I’ve been away a bit longer than planned and this video explains it. This summer’s staycation brought both good and bad. The bad ending up extending my time off by just over 3 weeks. If you want to know what happened, watch this video. I included some of...

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