Have You Come Out of the Closet Yet?

Have You Come Out of the Closet Yet?

Guest post by Rachel Kornak I used to imagine myself at some bizarre support group, admitting my secret addiction…Hi, my name is Rachel, and I’m a closet artist. There’s always been a burning desire in my soul to create. I’ve been trying to suppress it for...
Retreats Change Lives!

Retreats Change Lives!

Retreats Change Lives – They Just Do! I say this a lot – I have seen it, sat in awe of their magic and felt it on a deep, personal and spiritual level. They let you bathe in their light and will leave you forever changed. Retreats can happen close to home or in...
Connecting Essence To Purpose

Connecting Essence To Purpose

When I first started in business, I participated in a mentorship program to guide me. We began by talking about how to get in touch with our ‘essence’. This was the first step in determining what the foundation of our business would be. Our Own Unique Gifts Prior to...
Is Your Unhealthy Feminine Ruling Your Life?

Is Your Unhealthy Feminine Ruling Your Life?

Recently, there have been a lot of buzz around women being feminine, embracing femininity and tuning into feminine energy. In the last 5 years, I have met several women on a business and personal levels, and I was always curious to their take on femininity. Many of...
Why you should trust your intuition as a female entrepreneur

Why you should trust your intuition as a female entrepreneur

What does intuition really mean? You may have heard about this gift or sixth sense that some people seem to have – intuition. But it can sometimes seem like an abstract concept. Or something that you feel you do not have access to. What does “intuition” really mean?...

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