Are you scattered, all over the place, trying to keep up with a thousand different projects at once? If you’re trying to control everything and trying to do too much at the same time, that is not going to work in the long run.
If you’ve lost your marbles, you have to gather those marbles in a bag and deal with them one by one. Pick the most important of your projects and focus on that.
If you have to do several projects, don’t try to do them simultaneously. Work on them one by one. You have to prioritize if you want good results. If you try to multitask too much, the outcome won’t be as good as if you focus on one or a few. Trying to multitask to the extreme might actually mean you don’t finish any of them. So for today, try to focus on just one thing at a time, and see how that works for you. I’d love it if you left me a comment below 🙂
good advice ! the less you do, the more you will get done, is true in many instances. Prioritising and focusing on the right things is key, and that takes a bit of practice and skill
Thanks 🙂 Yes, and I should take my own advice more often 😀
I like the bag of marbles idea. I know you didn’t mean it like this but I’m thinking I could put all my tasks I want to get done in the next day or so onto pieces of paper and pick them out one at a time.
That’s a great way to do it 🙂
Or better yet, can we just write them on pieces of paper and feed them to the dog??
Seriously, I used to do that with rewards. When I accomplished something especially challenging or that I did not want to do (live dusting), I would get to fish out a reward! Helped make it fun.
Great advice! Thank you for sharing!
~ Dina (UBC)
My pleasure 🙂
But the world is sooooo full of yuminess. 😀 I
Mine too 😀
But people keep dumping out my bag of marbles, Linda!! 🙂
Just kidding… I am in control…I am in control…
Have a great weekend,
😀 I feel like that some days too