Finding Yule songs suitable for Pagans is hard. With a lot of help from my online friends, I’ve compiled a couple of lists of non-Christian Yule songs in different languages for you. If you’re Pagan or Heathen, this is another way to feel more authentic about the way you celebrate your holidays. To me, feeling authentic to who I am is important, and I don’t feel right about using Christian Yule songs. I find myself humming and singing along with the songs of the season, and having the ‘wrong’ songs stuck in my head is bloody annoying. Others don’t care as much, but that’s their business. I’m not saying it’s for everyone.
Anyway, here are the lists:
På loven sitter Nissen
Det var reven og råtta og grisen
Når nettene blir lange
Jeg så mamma kysse nissen
Julekveld i skogen
Julenissen kommer i kveld
Rudolf er rød på nesen
Snømannen Kalle
Hei hå nå er det jul igjen
Reven rasker over isen
Alle sanger på Vårres jul (Hans Rotmo)
Lydsporet fra Jul I Valhall
Räven raskar över isen
Hej tomtegubbar
Anders Perssons stuga står i ljusan låga
Goder afton
Jag såg mamma kyssa tomten
Lusse Lelle
Nu är det jul igen
Nu har vi ljus här i vårt hus
Rudolf med röda mulen
Tomtarnas julnatt
Tre pepparkaksgubbar
Mer Jul
På loftet sidder nissen med sin julegrød
Juletræet med sin pynt
Højt fra træets grønne top
Søren banjomus
Julen sig nærmer
Sikken voldsom trængsel og alarm
Nu er det jul
Deck the halls
Here comes the sun
White wine in the sun
Jingle bells
Let It Snow
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
The Christmas Song
Winter Wonderland
Santa Claus is Pagan Too
Snow by Loreena McKennitt
Firedance: Songs for Winter Solstice by Jaiya
Beautiful Darkness, Celebrating the Winter Solstice by Jessica Radcliffe, Lisa Ekström & Martin Simpson
A Winter Celebration by various artists
Thanks to the people of Åsatrufellesskapet Bifrost, Den Hedenske Mødregruppe and Brainwise on Twitter for their help.
This post is part of the Pagan Blog Project, created by Rowan Pendragon
Wow, Linda! I’m going to look up those songs and I hope I’ll come up with something. Always wanted some of the magic of christmas carols for my own celebration 🙂
Let me know if you find more 🙂