The prompt for today from the Ultimate Blog Challenge was:

Who do you admire & why?

I decided to use that for my topic today because I’ve got a cold and my brain couldn’t come up with a subject of my own. I’ve also finally gotten the chance to work with one of the people on the list of people I admire; Laura Hollick.

I think she’s a wonderfully creative woman with a great energy and presence, and she gets her message through without making people feel small in any way. I find her messages invigorating and meaningful. I’m in her 11-day Iconic Embodiment Journey class right now, and I’m enjoying every moment of it. I signed up for it after doing the Global Vision Quest. She recently reopened the 11-day Iconic Embodiment Journey program for more registrants, if you’d like to give it a shot. To find her, and experience her for yourselves, go to her website at

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