It’s summer, I’m on vacation, and as busy as a bee. So busy I won’t even translate this one until I go back to work in August.

It isn’t that weird that a herb centred witch like me is busy during summer, but I’m even more busy than usual. Mostly because I didn’t get much harvested the last two years, so I have to replace almost everything. But also because I’m trying to build up a reserve of products for the fairs next year.

I’ve also launched Herblore 101 and 102 on Heksebua, and I hope they’ll take off soon. Would be nice with a little income to spend on things needed for the fairs.

I have to check the dates, rules and prices for a couple of the fairs. One struck me as unusual. The Viking fair in Steinkjer (Egge) has been taken over by the museum. I imagine I’m not the only merchant that thinks of not going when I’m told they have to check all my products for authenticity before they can let me come there, and that I have to be able to demonstrate a craft at the fair. Not that I’m not able to comply with these demands, I just don’t like them. I’ve also been in touch with Møre Frie Vikingar to hear what rules apply for their fair at Leikvin. So far they’ve said it’ll be discussed at their next meeting.

I’m doing my best to market Heksebua at the moment, so I’ve put a couple of videos up on YouTube and I’ve joined Ustream. Do you have any tips for interesting topics for videos or live shows? Let me know. I also want tips for articles for Heksebua. I have to update the info to get more visitors. Something on Tarot is on its way, thanks to a friend. I’m also going to start writing about the Norse tradition.

Well, that’ll have to do for now. Send me an e-mail if you’ve got any tips and ideas.

Best Wishes


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