Do you hate weeds?
Don’t mind them?
Love them?
If you have a garden or grow plants in containers, I bet you have an opinion. I can’t say I love where they grow all the time, but I do think a lot of people forget that weeds have just as much value as any other plant. They just grow where we don’t want them to.
I revere these wild plants so much that I wrote a book about them. Beat that if you can 😀 Just kidding, you don’t have to. But I’d love to hear what you think of weeds, and how you treat and/or use them.
The bible compares them to wicked people. At psalm 92:7 it says when the wicked sprout like weeds & all the wrongdoers flourish, it is that they may be anhialated forever.
You have probably ended up on a blog that doesn’t fit with your beliefs. Seeing as I am one of those ‘wicked’ people according to some passages, a witch. As well as a herbalist and a lover of weeds 🙂