8 altered photosI’m having fun with photography but let me start by saying that it’s not actually childish, but it may give you the feeling a child has when playing. Playing around with images is fun, it’s creative, and you can go a long way, even if it’s just a picture of tomatoes.

Here are some of the ones I’ve played around with lately. I made the preview image pretty small, so it wouldn’t take too long to load. Just click for a larger version. The original photo is on the left, the result on the right.

Now it’s your turn…

It’s time to play!

PS. Remember to sign up for the Creativity Challenge starting October 1st.


  1. Michele Christensen

    This is so cool because it’s literally like a foreign language to me and so far removed from any natural talents I have. My brain just doesn’t work that way. I’m very linear and concrete, and the idea of just changing a photo for the sheer fun of it would never cross my mind. Art is a like a black box to me. I can’t wrap my head around how someone could see the beginning and end. When I’m in the presence of art, the most common thought I have is “How on earth does someone think of this?”


    • Linda Ursin

      I bet you have some artistic ability too 🙂 You just haven’t found it yet. I didn’t see the end when I did these. I just played around with them in Pixlr Express, and stopped when they looked good.

  2. Sibylle

    I love photography! You have a great eye for detail. I’m more of a “big picture”, composition type of photographer 🙂

    • Linda Ursin

      Me too 🙂 Thanks. I usually take those kinds of pictures too, but every once in a while I find some fun detail.


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