Do you have a question, or need some guidance? Maybe you have some area of your life or business you wish to change or a couple of choices, and you don’t know which one to pick. I bet you do. I wish to invite you to a free Tarot reading.

This will be a 30 minute long, live Tarot reading via Skype. Any question goes, but I prefer to not do love readings. I’m trying to get a number of sample readings to show people what it’s all about. The reason for this is that so many people have some idea of what it’s like to get a reading, and what you can get from it, but they got that idea from media.

This offer is for a limited number of my followers. It requires that you do allow the conversation to be recorded and that you give me written feedback afterward. This feedback will be used on my website, so you’ll have to tell me if it’s ok to use your name, or if you want to use an alias. It will be recorded, and I will be asking you if it’s ok to publish it. If it’s not ok, that’s fine, I’ll do your reading anyway. If you’re interested in this, send me an email today Sorry, all the spots have been taken If you have any questions, just leave a comment.


  1. Carin Kilby Clark

    I have always been intrigued by tarot readings. My friend swears by them and has spent thousands trying to predict her future. I’ve always been afraid to find out something I don’t want to know. But I am still fascinated by it.

    • Linda Ursin

      Most readings don’t predict the future in detail. I use the cards more to give general directions, advice on how to solve problems etc. If there’s some areas you don’t want to know about, just say it, and the reader will stay clear of them.

  2. Liliana Marsden

    Hi, I’ve sent you an email. Also what a great idea. I’ve just finished doing a post about the power of testimonials.

    Speak to you soon.

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks Liliana 🙂 I don’t think I got your email. Could you re-send it? Or maybe send me a PM on facebook.

  3. Amar Naik

    this is a nice offer. i have sent u a note.

  4. Keri Kight

    What a great offer Linda. I’m sure many people could benefit from this reading. 🙂

  5. yonca

    Such a wonderful offer, Linda! This is the first time I visit your blog and will visit oagain for sure. Thanks for stopping by and your comment 🙂
    Have a great weekend!

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks Yonca. Thanks for stopping by my blog too 🙂 I’d love to have you back.

  6. Sue Kearney (@MagnoliasWest)

    Linda, such a great offer. I’ve emailed my Yes please!

    May you great results with this!

    Love and appreciation,

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks 🙂 I got your email. I’m looking forward to speaking with you.

  7. Deanna Heiliger

    Linda, what a great way to get your talent on your web site! I love the idea, and such a generous offer!

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks 🙂 I’ve been doing readings for 20 years, and Tarot for 11, so It’s been on my website all along. I just decided it deserved more focus 🙂

  8. Lisa Mallis

    Fabulous offer – and great idea to generate buzz and attention around your passions! AWESOME!

  9. Delmy

    Great idea to get others to know what you are about. I admire how you are marketing your skills and services. Being generous is always a good practice that heeds benefits to both the giver and the receiver. Kudos to you!

  10. Kamal Bhatia

    I always understand and amazed to know the power of a tarot card reader, it can make inner soul in relaxed. Thanks for this information and subscribed your blog.


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