I’ve taken a number of actions to do my bit to help the environment by reducing my so-called footprint. So far I’ve replaced my washing liquid and fabric softener for more Eco-friendly products. I now use the product line Neutral, it’s enzyme free, Swan marked and their products are perfume free to boot. I’m currently replacing my stain remover with bile soap, and other solutions. I’ve replaced my beauty products with products from Lush. I’ve been trying different things to find what I like. So I won’t list what I use yet. I’ve also replaced my makeup brushes with brushes from eco tools.
I’ve also gotten a Lunette, to replace most of my feminine hygiene products. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to replace them entirely. This is because I want to be able to sleep all night, every night. I’ve replaced soaps and the wash for the sensitive areas with more Eco-friendly products. For my face, I use a soap from Lush. For my body I use the soap I make myself. For the sensitive areas I use a shower gel I bought from Bodyshop, which even comes in a biodegradable bottle. I also use Tea Tree as a disinfectant.
I only run the dishwasher or washing machine when I have a full load. When I can, I run them on the energy saving setting. We’ve replaced almost all our light bulbs with energy saving alternatives. I’m also recycling all our garbage as far as possible. This means that compost, paper/cardboard, glass, metal, and hazardous materials (batteries, paint, chemicals etc.) are separated from what can’t be recycled. It annoys me that I can’t recycle plastics here yet. Even if I separate the plastics, they still go in the same bin as the waste. I’ve started reusing/upcycling old clothes as well, instead of throwing them out.
If I ever get rid of clothes that are still wearable, I’ll donate them to charity. But the ones I get rid of now are worn out or damaged beyond repair. I don’t throw my garbage on the ground, and even if I think that’s a given, there seems to be a lot of people who don’t think so. In Trondheim, the city where I work, I see garbage on the ground all over the place. We never fly, but we use the car because we have no option. When I go to work, I get driven to the train, but that’s because there is no bus.
I am planning to get my driver’s license this year, if I get dispensation to do so from the government. I need dispensation because of the meds I’m on. We’ve always used little electricity in comparison to the average Norwegian household. So I don’t really see a reason to do anything about that anytime soon. We don’t really over use water either. I must say it annoys me every time I see the janitors in Trondheim use drinking water to sweep the street. What ever happened to the broom?
We shop locally as much as possible, and I try to buy organic and local produce when I can get hold of it. When it comes to the products, I believe I can’t do better at the regular store. If you have any suggestions for anything Eco-friendly that will get rid of grime in the shower without wearing me out, I’d love to hear about it. The same goes for Eco-friendly shampoo and conditioner that takes good care of my hair. I don’t know if there’s a good alternative out there for things like sunscreen, but I bet someone does.
Next on my list is reducing the number of plastic bags drastically. I can’t cut down to none, because we’re required to use them for the garbage, but I bet I can reduce it a lot. I’m also going to make a real effort to waste less food. The way I’m doing this, is by watching how much we buy more closely, and by making new food from leftovers. We have a freezer with better volume now, so I can do this more easily than before. I’m also making my business as close to 100 % sustainable. I started this a long time ago, by growing my own herbs, and not using mined crystals. I’m now replacing my suppliers for local suppliers. Even the leather and wool are as local as humanly possible. What are you doing to reduce your impact on our Mother Earth?