You might have heard the happy news…My new book; get back to YOU – get back to CREATING is out on Kindle, and now I’m ready to have some creative fun. Being that it’s a Friday, and Friday the 13th as well, it’s even more important to have fun.

Get the book (only $2.99 right now) and I’ll give your profile picture a fun, Get Back to Creating hat. Each hat is unique, and in the video, you can see some of the ones I’ve created so far, including one for myself.

What will yours look like? Let’s find out!

Go get the book now then message me and I’ll outfit your head with your very own Get Back to Creating hat!

Get it here




It's Friday, Let's have some FUN!

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  1. Marquita Herald

    Congratulations on your new book Linda and what a creative way to celebrate. I know it’s going to be a huge success. 🙂

    • Linda Ursin

      Thank you Marquita 🙂 I hope as many women as possible read it. There are so many women out there sacrificing themselves for other things.

  2. Sarit

    So much fun! Sometime we get so serious …I love it!

  3. Sibylle

    Brilliant idea, Linda 😀 I love the hats so far!

  4. Linda Ursin

    Thanks Sibylle 🙂 It’s fun to make them too

  5. sherill

    Congratulations on your new book. Lets all stay happy and have fun !


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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
It’s Friday! Let’s have some FUN
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It's Friday, Let's have some FUN!
Linda Ursin
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