Meet the spirit of the seagull

Meet the spirit of the seagull

Even though I don’t live anywhere near the sea, we do see seagulls here. They show up when the fields are freshly plowed to pick the worms and insects that are exposed. They’re true opportunists and a lot of people seem to have an ambivalent relationship with...
First week artwork of 2015

First week artwork of 2015

I’ve challenged myself to do some kind of artwork every day in 2015. I may not publish all of them, but you’ll see a lot of art from me this year. Those I do publish will end up here, as well as social media and places like deviantART, ArtFinder, RedBubble etc. Those...
Challenge Yourself to do something

Challenge Yourself to do something

If you find yourself stuck in creative no-mans-land, why not challenge yourself? Set a challenge, which fits into your life, and jump in with both feet. I’ve challenged myself to do some kind of artwork every day in 2015. I may not publish all of them, but...
Remember to give yourself something

Remember to give yourself something

This season is all about showing your family and friends that you love them. But you should also remember to show yourself some love. To give yourself something, like a gift, is one way to do that. Here are some pieces of art made by friends and acquaintances. I love...
Something you can make when you’re out of gift ideas

Something you can make when you’re out of gift ideas

This week my energy will be directed towards art and graphics. I’m doing this to follow my intuition and body’s signals about what’s best for me. I’ve done way too much writing for a while, with all those translations I’ve been doing. I...

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