I promised to show you the progress

I promised to show you the progress

I said I would show you the progress of the painting I told you about on Friday, and here it is. I’ve finished the background landscape, and I’ll be starting on the troll soon. When it’s finished, it’s going up in my web shop, with the other...
Use the moon in your garden

Use the moon in your garden

At 5:26 on Monday morning, the Moon was full. Some call the Full Moon in May the Flower Moon, some call it the Mother Moon. It is now waning, so today I will be planting seeds. It may seem late for some of you to plant seeds indoors in May, but here in the Mountains...
I’m not perfect, I get creative block too

I’m not perfect, I get creative block too

I’m not trying to pretend to be perfect in any way. As everyone else, I have my challenges and, on occasion, I do run up against a creative block and get stuck for a while. I usually get out of those slumps on my own, because I have experience in how to do that,...

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