Brrrr…It’s cold

Brrrr…It’s cold

Today we woke up to an outside temperature of -9,9 degrees Celsius. That’s 14.18 degrees Fahrenheit. Let’s just say we had to find our winter coats fast 🙂 Yup, it feels cold when you’re not used to it I’ve been thinking about what I’m...
Late because of an accident

Late because of an accident

Yesterday, we got home about 45 minutes later to work than usual because of an accident. It looked really bad, one of the people were stuck, but fortunately, the three people involved suffered only mild injuries. Here’s the news article, if you’re...
Samhain art project for kids

Samhain art project for kids

Today I thought I’d provide a Samhain art project for young children. If you go outside, I’m sure you can find a lot of fallen leaves today. At least some of those will still be dry. Pick a few with different shapes, and bring them inside. Make sure they...
Autumn Photos

Autumn Photos

I took these Autumn photos on my way to and from work today. I thought you might like to see them, so I’m posting them here. If you’re interested in joining us at our Samhain gathering, you can sign up either on Facebook, or on the website. If you sing up...
Magpies & Snow

Magpies & Snow

A small snippet about Magpies and snow. We have a lot of these birds around here. They even nest in one of our...

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