Do you let limitations stop you from even starting that creative project you’d love to try?
If you are, what’s getting in the way?
I know limitations very well. I’ve had more than one time in my life when I felt limited. For example, I couldn’t explore creativity freely and push creative boundaries that much in my childhood home. This is in part because I grew up with a chronic perfectionist who wanted things and people to be a certain way, so there wasn’t much support to explore other things except when outside and playing, or in my room with the door closed. I was the oldest child too, so they were learning to parent with me.
Once I moved out, I was able and motivated to explore these things I gave myself permission to create in my own ways. I was in charge of the housework myself, so nobody was telling me that the fringes of the carpet had to be straight after vacuuming, and I could put housework much lower on my list of priorities. This left me with more time and energy to do things I enjoyed and I didn’t have to worry about any mess I made in the process because I was the only one who saw it.
These days, I’m very motivated to have you do the same, give yourself permission to explore, investigate, play, and make a mess. I want you to feel the satisfaction and joy of creating. If you haven’t felt that in a while, I want to help you get there. That’s one of many reasons I do free workshops, videos, and blog about it.
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When you’re free to explore and express your creative side, you feel so much more alive. Do this for yourself. Not only will you feel a lot better about your life, but you’ll be more fun to be around and more interesting to talk to. That’s a benefit for you.
So here’s my call to action for today:

Email me and let me know how I can help you,
and I’ll do my best to do so

It’s time for you to honour your creative side


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