For my #FemBiz4Cast this week, I decided to do a New Year’s spread, a Tarot reading for the coming year for you.

I didn’t do the month for month view which some Tarot readers choose to do, it’s a numerological spread created by Avia Veneficia over at I don’t normally use spreads, but I wanted to use one for this reading, and I wanted it to not have too many cards. So I looked around and found this one. Since I liked the idea, I decided to use it. Here’s the result of the reading;

Work can feel boring. You may want to find something creative, meaningful or fulfillling to do but you don’t quite know what. Make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself. Balance and communication will be important. You may need to get in touch with your feminine side. You may caring too much for others and not enough for yourself. Take some time to yourself, look within for answers, and restore your energy levels and your self-confidence. Challenges like a creative block, indecisiveness or confusion may appear.

Wait and see your assets grow. You’re not looking for a quick payoff, but make sure that you’re focusing on the areas that will give you the biggest ROI. Evaluate how you can use your time better, what you can eliminate, simplify, and make more efficient. You may need to bring a little more structure and systems into your business.  Be patient and review your progress regularly. Each time you do, make sure you appreciate the progress you have made so far. Review what’s working and what isn’t and where you can make adjustments. Also, make sure your expectations are reasonable. Fear of failure may be one of your challenges.

You will most likely try to do too much and you will need a break. Outsourcing may be what you need right now. You may be working too much and not spending enough time with your family or your partner. You may need to take control of your finances to make that possible. Watch your spending and how you manage your time. Look at where your priorities lie.

New beginnings, fresh energy, and inspiration are on the way. You may be making new investments or starting a new business venture. It’s possible that you get an influx of money from an unexpected source. You may see new opportunities come your way for a new source of income. Your ideas are ready to be turned into something tangible. Figure out what will work and make it a reality. Start to map out how you’ll achieve your goals, by creating targeted action plans and getting started. Opportunities are becoming available to you that will help you reach your goals. You may need to throw something new into the mix. Consider something that is out-of-character or something you might not ordinarily do, or get around to doing.

I usually publish the #FemBiz4Cast on social media only, like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, but I decided to bring it to the blog for this special New Year’s edition.

I hope you enjoyed the reading. Leave me a comment with what resonates.

Have a balanced and successful 2016



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